3d illustration human body Nervous system

Unit 3- Basic Body Systems

The Body Systems- A group of cells, tissues and organs,

coordinated to maintain life

To help us observe the effects of medications on our residents,

we need to understand the effects of medications on the

body systems. Use the "Body System Guide" from the email

and be sure to review the Unit 3 curriculum. Also focus

on the diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system,

as meds are often prescribed for these common conditions.

The body system study guide from the email attachment clarifies

all you need to know for the actual Unit 3 quiz

Body Systems overview

Cardiovascular- blood circulation

parts- Heart, blood, vessels-

vessels- transport channels:

arteries take blood away from the heart

veins bring blood back to the heart

capillaries are tiny connectors between arteries and veins

function- delivers oxygen, fluids and nutrients

abnormal function-

  • CHF- congestive heart failure- poor circulation, leading to swelling
  • HTN- hypertension
  • CAD- coronary artery disease
  • CVA- cerebral vascular accident/stroke

Respiratory- breathing

parts- lungs

function- breathing

abnormal function-

  • COPD
  • Asthma
  • pneumonia
  • Common cold
  • URI- upper respiratory infection

Digestion- breaks down food

parts- Stomach, esophagus, intestines

function- Nutrition- breaks down and transports food, removes waste

abnormal function-




Dysphagia- difficulty swallowing

Integumentary- skin


  • Epidermis- external layer
  • Dermis- mid layer
  • Subcutaneous- inner layer

function- Protects the body from germs, insulates for hydration and

temperature/ thermoregulation

abnormal function-

  • Epidermis- Sunburn
  • Dermis- minor cut
  • Subcutaneous- deep wound

Nervous- electrical director

parts- Brain, spinal cord, nerves, neurons

function-Neurotransmission, communication, coordination

Abnormal function-

Seizure- abnormal brain cell activity

affecting muscle tone

Endocrine- chemical director

parts- Regulation glands produce insulin

function- to control blood sugar

abnormal function- Diabetes/ glycemia

  • Hypo- low
  • Hyper- high

Diabetes can be hereditary

Lymphatic- natural immunity

parts- Lymph nodes and vessels

function- immunity

abnormal function- lymphedema

Urinary- waste fluid regulator

Your residents may be incontinent of urine: insufficient control of urine or stool

parts- Kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra

function- waste fluid regulation urinary incontinence

abnormal function- incontinence

Skeletal- structure

parts- 200 bones in the adult human

function- body structure, organ protection

abnormal function- fracture

Muscular- movement


  • Cardiac muscle- heart
  • Skeletal muscle-muscle to bone
  • Smooth muscle- lines hollow organs

function- movement

abnormal function-

  • Sprain- soft tissue/ skeletal muscle injury

Reproductive- birth control

Be sure you understand how to give birth control tablets correctly to protect

your client from possible pregnancy